Video System
The system I am running out here is the Nocturne "F" System. Dave Lemmink designed and built about 6 years ago. It is based on a Grass Valley 250 switcher, and a Grass Valley Horizon 32x16 Router. It has a full complement of Grass Valley input and out put distribution amplifiers. As well as Sigma TSG-375 test generator and a Grass Valley SCB 200N sync generator.
Directors Position is based around 2 PVM-1354 13" color monitors and 8 Ikegami 5" black & white monitors.
Engineering is based around an Ikegami TM14-19R color critical 13" monitor and Tektronix 1710B waveform and 1720SCH vectorscope.
We have 4 Ikegami HL-55A cameras and 1 Sony DXC-95 camera. 1 cameras is mounted on a Fujinon 55x9.5 lens located at the front of house position. 2 cameras have 18x8.5 lens and are mounted on dollies and track located at downstage left and right pit. 1 camera is set up hand held with 14x9.5 lens and ranges all over the upstage area. All cameras are running on Ikegami BS-553 triax base stations with OCP 355 remote control panels to shade with. The last camera is a small Point Of View camera (DXC-950) and is usually pointed at the drummer.
We are using a Pinnacle Aladdin device to create a strobe effect on the output video.Paulie has also made a Union Jack ala Peter Max, that waves in the wind. He has also created a still for JP&BC from their logo. Plus some interesting backgrounds.
There is no playback video.
Projectors are Barco 9200 Realities with a Hughes 370 as back up (Over kill). The Hughes will also be used on some of the indoor shows for people seated behind the stage. The screens are front projection 15x20 outdoor with 2 15x20 fast fold frames with front and rear screens for indoor shows.